The Legacy of Muhammad Ali

The Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Kentucky

After my games yesterday I checked into my hotel on the Ohio River. The view out of my window was okay, but I walked around the floor to see if I could find a better view. This was the view out of the elevator bay window. I am sure that I looked crazy to people coming and going as I sat there waiting for cars to go by to make pictures, but I am used to that by now. Why wouldn’t a grown man be sitting in a window bay awkwardly making photos?

Muhammad Ali’s Death One Year Later

Last year during a rain delay I learned of the death of Muhammed Ali. I was in Nashville at the time, and I had just driven through Louisville on my way there. The signage for Ali was amazing, and I thought that the city would heavily mourn him. That they did. They had a huge funeral that drew leaders of the world to Louisville. Ali was one of those men that stood out from the rest. He was a once in a lifetime athlete. This weekend Louisville has some special promotions to honor Ali. I thought that I could at least make a photo of his center here in Louisville.

Where Are The Baseball Pictures?

I am here in Louisville to make photos of the first round of the NCAA Baseball Tournament. I had a full day making photos yesterday, but I really didn’t have the time yet to sit down and put my thoughts from the day together. With a long delay between games today I should be able to do that. What that means is that once again this site will not be breaking news as the photos will be two days old by the time that I publish them. I will be able to tell a better story about the tournament though by waiting an extra day.

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