Indiana State Swimming At Illinois State

An Indiana State Doubleheader

Yesterday was a long day spent in Normal, Illinois covering Indiana State taking on Illinois State. Before you make the joke about both teams being ISU trust me I heard it many times yesterday. Early in the day the Indiana State swimming team was taking on the Redbird swim team followed by both teams taking the football field to cap off the day. It was a long day making photos, but those days are fun for me. I actually like to be swamped with photography so I was having a blast all day. Do you want to know what I did during my downtime? I made some photos of campus. Addictions can be rough.

Getting the Program Off Of The Ground

This Indiana State swim program is only in the beginning of their second year of existence. They really are building the groundwork for everything that is to come after them. It has been fun being a small part of documenting that rise to what we hope is a conference power. These athletes are fun to watch, and I hope that it works out that I can photograph them again. The emotions at a time like this are amazing. Above are the two divers on the team celebrating the end of the first meet where Indiana State had a dive program. I love the emotion, and that is what keeps me coming back for more.

Of Course It Did

Part of this blog is to show you that no matter how many events that you cover something new can always happen. Here is a story that I think is funny. While covering the breaststroke final yesterday I moved to the middle lane to cover our swimmer there. As she was coming at me I felt a drop on my shoulder. That drop was then followed with many others in quick succession. Apparently I was right under the water for the divers which was the next event. They turned it on a little early soaking me. It was nobody’s fault but my own, but I thought I would share the story with you. No matter how cool you are you are just a couple of minutes away from being soaked.

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