A Grand Time

Grand Central Station in New York

Photo of the Day

What no baseball picture? I have been having so much fun taking pictures of baseball that this blog has been taken over by the sport this week. I thought that tonight I would go back a bit for a much different picture. I took this picture in 2008 during our New York trip. I had no idea how much the guards apparently do not like photography so I didn’t have that to worry me when I took this. Apparently they frown on photography, and you will get booted for using a tripod. This was taken handheld in auto mode. It sat in a folder on my computer for a long time before I found out about Lightroom. I soon saw that it could help me resurrect some of my older pictures.

Technical Data

This picture was always missing something in my mind. When I found Lightroom I brought this photo in to adjust it a bit. Adding a bit of highlights, clarity, and contrast really made it pop for me. I then used the noise reduction in Lightroom to fix some of the data loss that adjusting the picture created. In all I am happy with the final result. I would love to go back now with what I know and try again though.

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