Three Cameras At Ivan’s Service Station

Three Cameras At Ivan’s Service Station In Thorntown, Indiana

One fun thing that I like to do is to take a couple of cameras to a spot to try them out and see what they can do. In this case I was in Thorntown, Indiana to see the eclipse in April with three cameras. I had my Sony A7R3 with my 24-105mm lens on it. This is my normal walk around setup. I also had my Canon Powershot which is a point and shoot film camera. It was loaded up with Fuji 400 speed film. Finally I had a fairly new camera with me. It was the Fujica AX-3 with me. This was a camera that was given to me by the local camera shop Camera Outfitters. It has the Fuji 50mm f/1.6 lens on it. I had one of my favorite films loaded in it which is Kodak Ektar 100.

The Fujica AX-3

We will start with the new camera to me. This camera was still fairly new to me at this point. I was making photos still not sure if the camera was working. In fact until a couple of days ago when I got my scans back I was not sure if anything turned out with the camera. I was really happy with what I was able to capture with this camera. The one downside so far with it is that I only have a 50mm lens for the camera. As you will see with the other cameras I am a little too tight here. The camera is very fun to use though, and you will see a lot more of it to come on this blog. Part of why I like the images so much might be that I had it loaded with some of my favorite film. The Ektar 100 looks so good.

The Canon Powershot

This photo was made with my Canon AF35MII point and shoot film camera. So far this thing has been very hit or miss for me. There are times when it is amazing and I want to take it to more places. Then there are times when the exposure is way off. Here I was trying some new things with it. I had 400 speed Fuji film loaded into it, and I was making photos with my camera set at 100 to try and combat the underexposure. This photo is still a bit underexposed for my taste though.

The Sony A7R3

This is my normal walk around setup. My Sony A7R3 with the Sony 24-105mm lens on it. At this point this setup might have the most photos made on this blog, or it soon will have if not. I have made thousands of photos with this setup so I know it very well. That makes it the perfect camera for a control. I know what I am getting from this camera.

My Favorite Photo Of The Bunch

This was an amazing day. I made these photos just a little bit before the solar eclipse started. The light was already starting to get kind of funky. This was a tough photo because of that light though. I don’t think the Canon point and shoot dealt with the bright sky and shadows too well. The entire frame is underexposed. The Sony also just doesn’t do it for me. I really like the photo from the new Fuji camera. Maybe the fact that it is the new camera and it had a working meter in it is clouding my judgement. Which of these photos is your favorite?

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