John Watches His Campus

John Purdue Surveys The Campus He Started

While out on campus making some photos a couple of weeks ago I made this one of the John Purdue statue. The infrared camera lets me have a little fun with this scene. This time of year the trees are healthy, and they look great with the infrared. The white leaves of the tree make for a good background for John.

Campus In The Summer

Campus completely changes when the students leave. When I first met my wife we would go and eat at places that we used to on campus when we were students. Places like Jake’s Roadhouse are now closed though so we try and find new places to make memories at. I have started to appreciate having people in my photos more, and the summer allows me to control where they are in the photo a little more. You don’t have the mad rush of kids walking around. You can be patient and wait for the frame to fill.

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