The Say Hey Kid

Saying Goodbye To Willie Mays

Last night I was getting ready for bed when my phone sent me an alert that Willie Mays had passed. Growing up I had heard stories about Willie, Mickey, and the Duke. Just this past week I saw a video of Willie over 50 still tracking a ball down with ease in the outfield at an old timers game. He might have been the best to ever do it in center field. He is an icon in San Francisco and rightfully so. His statue is right there for you to see as you enter the Giants stadium. As I write this it is still early, but I am sure that the Giants and San Francisco will have something big planned to remember Willie. There will never be another like him.

A Different Time

I made this photo in a different time. I had just bought my first L lens from a friend at Purdue that I was using that entire weekend. I made this photo with that lens. I thought that I was on my way to doing this sports thing for a living. It is fun to go back and relive those times looking through old photos. This is a fun thing that I get to do, and this is a reminder of that.

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