The Billy Sunday Home

Revisiting A Site

Years ago I was in Winona Lake, Indiana for the Fat and Skinny Tire Festival. That is a great day to be around others who like to ride their bike. This home had been recently opened up for visitors at the time. I was in town early so I took a tour. The house is named Mount Hood as Billy and his mother had just moved from Oregon. This is a fun little house that I am glad is saved to history. It was fun to walk the grounds again over a decade later. My trip to Winona Lake for the bike festival was a great one. Getting a chance to revisit it was a great way to start my morning.

The Life Of Billy Sunday

Billy Sunday led an interesting life. He grew up in Iowa where he was discovered by Cap Anson of the Chicago White Stockings. Billy would go on to sign with the team that would eventually become the Chicago Cubs. He played there for a few years before being traded to Philly. He was never a great hitter, but his speed was what kept him around. On a street corner in Chicago while playing he stopped to listen to the gospel. That led to his becoming a Christian. He would then go on to become a famous preacher traveling the country. During the early part of the 20th century he made a good living traveling around and spreading the gospel. This home was his place to relax when he was not traveling.

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