A Cool Roadside Stop

Winchester’s Mufflers In Frankfort, Indiana

Last week we were in Frankfort, Indiana for a softball game. On the way into town I made a couple of photos that will eventually show up on this blog. This photo though was one that I didn’t plan, but I had to make. This old service station just looked cool sitting there on the side of the road. It had the vibe of something that you would see on Route 66. As soon as I saw it I knew that it would be the first photo from the trip that I would post.

Seeing The Whole Process

You can tell by the shadows that I made this photo kind of at the wrong time of day. The front of this building is in shadow. I saw this very old school black and white in my head so I exposed for the front of the building to help me get there. The sky gets blown out that way, but in a black and white image that really doesn’t matter. I really like how this turned out. It is pretty much what was in my head when I was making the photo.

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