A Fast Moving Day In Chicago

Looking Back On A Fun Day In Chicago

In August of 2015 I had a great opportunity to meet one of my photography idols. Trey Ratcliff was a huge inspiration to my work. His photos were just different than other peoples photos. When he announced a photowalk in Chicago I was immediately onboard. It was amazing how many people came out to see Trey. At this point there were a few very good online photo communities where Trey and people like him congregated. That is sort of gone now, and I really miss all of the ways that photographers could interact back then. This night though was about interacting with other photographers in person which is always better.

Going Back Through The Archives

This is a fun photo because at the time I didn’t think much of it. I liked the idea, but I didn’t know what to do with it. Fast forward nearly a decade and I found a way to make it a photo that I really liked. It is always great to look back at my work from those days and realize that not all of it was bad. Occasionally I had a good idea.

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